Can Coffee Cause Canker Sores?

This may be the last thing that you want to hear, but your coffee habits may be causing your canker sores. Many people suffering from canker sores as well as research have determined that there is a link between coffee and canker sores due to its acidic properties. While you may not absolutely have to give up coffee, there are some ways that you can determine if coffee is a trigger for you. Can coffee cause canker sores and mouth ulcers? Short answer is yes, but we will explore this further, so don’t panic.

Salicylic Acid

The reason that drinking too much coffee causes canker sores and mouth ulcers is due to the fact that coffee contains salicylic acid. This acid can severely irritate some of the sensitive tissue in your mouth, which can lead to the development of canker sores and mouth ulcers. Essentially, strong acids can break down the soft and weak tissue in your mouth which then makes you susceptible to canker sores.

What to do?

To determine whether coffee may be causing your canker sores, go a few weeks without it and see if this change makes a difference in frequency and severity of outbreaks. In addition, to try to avoid other foods that are high in salicylic acid as well. Making these dietary changes has substantially helped many people who are not aware of the relationship between their diet and canker sore or mouth ulcer outbreaks. In addition to this, ensure that you do not have any vitamin deficiencies that can lead to canker sores.

Modify Your Coffee

If you are not willing to give up coffee, try to buy low acid coffee beans (see below) that are less likely to cause these issues. Also, keep in mind that lighter roasts of coffee beans are more acidic than darker roasts. Cold brew is also a low acidic method to brew coffee that will reduce the acidity in your daily cup. In addition, decaf coffee tends to be less acidic and can be a better option for those trying to prevent canker sores.

Best Low Acid Coffee On Amazon

Below are some of the best low acid brands available on Amazon.

  1. Lifeboost Low Acid Coffee 

  2. Bones Low Acid Coffee

  3. Tylers No Acid Coffee

Don’t want to change your coffee habits?

At Canker Shield, one of our goals in the formulation of our product is to allow people the freedom to not have to limit their diet when possible. Canker Shield stops canker sores at their early stages which allows people to enjoy the foods that they love without having to worry about painful outbreaks. Click here to order our product to heal your canker sores rapidly.

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