Can Canker Sores Cause Tooth Pain?

Canker sores and mouth ulcers are painful enough as is, but they can also lead to deferred pain to other areas of the mouth, such as your teeth. Canker sores can cause tooth pain for some individuals depending on the location and severity of the sore. We are going to explain the reason behind why this can happen and what you should do if canker sores are causing your teeth to hurt.

Why Can Canker Sores Cause Tooth Pain?

The reason why you can experience tooth pain when you have a canker sore is due to nerve endings. When you have a canker sore, your nerve endings are exposed and when those nerve endings get aggravated, they can send shooting pain to other areas of your mouth. It is most common to experience tooth pain from a canker sore when the canker sore is located close to your teeth. It is most common with more severe canker sores. 

See Also: Can Canker Sores Cause Swollen Lymph Nodes?

What To Do If Your Canker Sore Is Causing Tooth Pain

If the pain is unbearable, you can use an anesthetic gel like Orajel to numb the pain for temporary relief. There are also a variety of home remedies as well as over the counter treatment methods that can help you deal with your canker sores. 

Heal Your Canker Sores Rapidly With Canker Shield

Canker Shield is a new highly effective natural treatment for quickly healing emerging canker sores. Once you notice a canker sore forming, you can apply it 3 times a day and on average your canker sore will heal 2-3X faster than without treatment. Click here to see what people are saying about Canker Shield.


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