Can Wisdom Teeth Cause Canker Sores?

Can Wisdom Teeth Cause Canker Sores?

Wisdom teeth can often lead to substantial pain, but some people have found themselves getting canker sores and mouth ulcers from wisdom teeth. Can wisdom teeth cause canker sores, or is this just a coincidence? We are going to explore this further to see if there is a link between canker sores and wisdom teeth.

Why Can Wisdom Teeth Cause Canker Sores?

The most common reason why wisdom teeth can cause canker sores is due to an infection around the tooth. Sometimes this happens because the wisdom tooth can not erupt fully and should be evaluated for removal. In cases when a wisdom tooth does erupt, it can lead to trauma that can make the area more susceptible to mouth ulcers [1]. 

See Also: How To Relieve Canker Sore Pain

Another possibility is that a wisdom tooth can erupt in the wrong direction, which puts pressure on neighboring teeth and can even lead to teeth being misaligned [2]. When teeth are not aligned, it is more common that they rub against the side of the cheek, which can lead to canker sores. 

Another potential condition is pericoronitis, which is a chronic inflammation of loose gum that does not go away until the wisdom tooth is extracted.

Heal Your Canker Sores Extremely Fast With Canker Shield

Canker Shield is a breakthrough treatment that is effective in rapidly healing canker sores. While canker sores typically last 10-14 days without treatment, Canker Shield is able to heal them in 1-3 days for most people. To learn more, click here


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