Silver Nitrate For Canker Sores

Some people suggest that is effective to use silver nitrate for canker sores. We are going to explore this treatment method to understand if silver nitrate is a viable treatment for canker sores and mouth ulcers so that you can decide if it is the right option for you.

What Is Silver Nitrate?

Silver nitrate is a natural compound that can be used as an antiinfective agent. Silver nitrate sticks can be used to cauterize infected tissues around a wound on the skin. This essentially seals the wound and significantly decreases the amount of pain that it will cause. Silver nitrate can also be used to create a scab in order to stop bleeding from a minor skin wound. Use of silver nitrate has been dated all the way back to the 13th century, where is was used due to its antimicrobial properties. 

Research On Silver Nitrate For Canker Sores

A study was done involving a group that was treated with one application of a silver nitrate stick and a placebo group. The study concluded that silver nitrate can help decrease the severity of pain of a mouth ulcer, but that it does not shorten the healing time. The study concluded that the treatment is a cost effective method for those who have infrequent outbreaks.

Another study actually found that using silver nitrate for canker sores actually did decrease the healing time. Because of this, we conclude that using silver nitrate for canker sores can quickly eliminate the pain and can also potentially speed up healing.

Should You Use Silver Nitrate For Your Canker Sores?

Based on our research, silver nitrate is an effective method of cauterizing a canker sore. However, it really depends on you and the characteristics of your outbreak. Since applying silver nitrate to a canker sore results in extreme pain for about 15 seconds, it really is not a viable option if you have multiple canker sores as you would have to apply it to and burn each one individually. However, if you have just one canker sore that is causing you pain, it is definitely a great option to quickly get rid of it. 

When should you use Silver Nitrate For Canker Sores

  • When it is a single large canker sore that is causing extreme pain.

  • If you are able to withstand significant burning pain for 15 seconds.

  • If you have already tried other topical treatments with no luck.

When Should You Not Use Silver Nitrate For Canker Sores

  • If you have multiple canker sores throughout your mouth.

  • If you are not able to withstand substantial burning pain for 15 seconds.

  • If your canker sore is small and relatively painless.

  • If you have not tried topical healing treatments for your canker sore first.

How To Treat A Canker Sore With Silver Nitrate

You can purchase silver nitrate sticks on Amazon that you can use. To apply it, dip the stick in water and then apply it to the ulcer for 10-15 seconds. After applying it to the ulcer, it is common that the canker sore turns gray or black and will sometimes even scab and fall off. Make sure that you store the sticks in a dark place as is required to maintain their effectiveness. If you are worried about the level of pain that this will cause, apply benzocaine to the ulcer before using the silver nitrate sticks.

Speed Up Canker Sore Healing With Canker Shield

Canker Shield is a new groundbreaking treatment that is effective in soothing and rapidly healing canker sores in as soon as 1-2 days. Many of those who use it find that their canker sore becomes completely painless 1-2 days of use. To learn more about Canker Shield, click here.


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