Why Do I Get A Recurring Canker Sore In The Same Spot?

Often times, canker sores pop up anywhere in the mouth and the location varies from outbreak to outbreak. Other times it is possible to have a recurring canker sore in the same spot. We are going to explore why these canker sores might be repeating, and what you can do to prevent it. 

Top Reasons For Getting A Recurring Canker Sore In The Same Spot

Brushing Your Teeth

One of the most common reasons why you may be getting a recurring canker sore in the same spot is due to your brushing habits. You may be brushing in a way that causes abrasion to a certain part of your mouth or brushing too hard. This abrasion can wear down your oral mucosa, which can lead to canker sores. Make sure that you are extra careful when brushing your teeth so that you do not irritate parts of your mouth. Try to be gentle, as it is not necessary to brush extremely hard.

See Also: What Are The Most Common Causes Of Canker Sores?

Eating Habits

Similar to how you brush your teeth, your eating habits may be giving you recurring canker sores in the same spot due to multiple reasons. The most common reason is that your teeth could unknowingly be rubbing against your cheek when chewing. This is not a big deal, but if it happens over time it can wear down your gums and lead to canker sores. Also, if you are prone to chew your food on the same side of your mouth, this can also be a factor. Certain acidic foods can irritate your gums and cause canker sores. So if you are chewing them on one side of your mouth, then it is likely that canker sores will develop on that side. In addition, foods that are hard and sharp can also irritate your mouth, so be careful what you are eating. 

Retainers or Braces

Retainers or braces can be common culprits for recurring canker sores in the same spot in your gums. They can cause irritation by rubbing against certain areas of the gums. Often times, they are extra sharp or stick out in certain areas, making those spots more prone to canker sores. 

See Also: 4 Ways To Prevent Canker Sores From Braces

Tobacco Use

If you chew tobacco, this could be why canker sores are coming back in the same spot over time. This is because chewing tobacco will often cause canker sores to show up in the area where the tobacco is held. Since most people hold their tobacco in the same spot, that is where the canker sores will recur. 

Lip Biting

Canker sores and stress are linked. One reason why this can lead to repeating canker sores in the same area is because people who experience stress often bite their mouth or lip more frequently, which can lead to canker sores. Often times, when stressed they will bite in the same areas consistently, which may be why they are consistently showing up in that area.  

Get Rapid Relief and Healing Using Canker Shield

While getting canker sores in the same spot over and over again is no fun, it does make the process more predictable. It is important to have an effective product that you can have on hand to make them go away.

As soon as you feel that tingle, you can apply Canker Shield 3 times a day to provide soothing and rapid healing. Thousands of people have found incredible relief using Canker Shield. To learn more, click here


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