What Does A Canker Sore Look Like?

You may be wondering if what you have is a canker sore. You have come to the right place. Canker sores have a distinct look that is fairly easy to recognize if you know what to look for. We have included some pictures below of canker sores that you can look at to help you determine if you truly have a canker sore. Canker sores can be found anywhere in the mouth from the cheek, inner lip, on and under the tongue, and even in the throat. One of the most common questions asked by new members in canker sore forums, is “What does a canker sore look like?” which is understandable as there are many weird things that can happen in your mouth.

What Is A Canker Sore?

A canker sore is a variety of mouth ulcer. It is known scientifically by the term aphthous ulcer. Mouth ulcer and canker sore can be used interchangeably. Canker sores are often round or oval shaped. They are a white or yellowish color, and typically have a red border around them. They can form in many sizes from just a speck to huge and even cavern like. Typically, the larger the canker sore, the longer it will take for it to heal. There a many causes for canker sores including biting your lip, stress, acidic foods, and even vitamin deficiencies.  

See Also: The 4 Stages Of A Canker Sore

Cold Sores vs. Canker Sores

One big misunderstanding when it comes to canker sores is the confusion between canker sores and cold sores. To clear this up, the main test to whether you have a canker sore or a cold sore is the location. Canker sores occur only on the inside of your mouth, while cold sores predominately occur on the outside of your mouth and on and around your lips. While it is possible for cold sores to occur on the inside of the mouth, this is rare. In addition, cold sores are contagious, while canker sores are not.

Are Canker Sores Herpes?

No need to worry, canker sores are not a form of herpes as cold sores are. They are not contagious or sexually transmitted, so you can still kiss your significant other (if you can handle the pain). Once you have determined that what you have is a canker sore, you will want to understand the below stages of a canker sore so that you can best treat it.

See Also: How Long Do Canker Sores Last?

Now What?

So now you know what a canker sore looks like and that you have one. The next thing you want to do is understand the causes of canker sores so that you can determine why your canker sore formed. Once you figure out the cause, you will want to learn how to prevent canker sores and also educate yourself on the most effective products so that you can have the best one on hand in case another outbreak occurs.


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