Should You Brush Your Teeth With Canker Sores?

When you have a canker sore or mouth ulcer, it makes everything more painful, including brushing your teeth. We are going to explore if it is a good idea to brush your teeth when you have a canker sore as well as best practices for brushing your teeth with a canker sore.

Bacteria and Canker Sores

While bacteria typically are not a cause of canker sores, they can invade the site of a canker sore and cause it to get worse. By brushing your teeth, you are getting rid of some of this bad bacteria that may be prolonging your canker sores, as well as maintaining your oral hygiene, which is important for a variety of reasons.

Should You Brush Your Teeth With Canker Sores?

It is recommended that you continue to brush your teeth when you have canker sores, as it is very important to maintain good oral hygiene during a canker sore outbreak. One of the main reasons why it is a good idea is because brushing an flossing helps remove food particles and harmful oral bacteria that can cause your canker sores to get worse. Since canker sores typically last 10-14 days, it is not a good idea to go that long without brushing your teeth, as painful as it may be.

Avoid Toothpastes With SLS

One of the main causes of canker sores is toothpastes that contain sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS). This is a foaming agent, but it also can irritate the tissue in your mouth, which can cause canker sores. It is recommended that you find a toothpaste that does not contain this additive. If you have a canker sore, you definitely do not want to be brushing with a toothpaste that contains SLS, as this can make things worse.

See Also: Best Toothpastes For Canker Sores

Tips For Brushing Your Teeth With Canker Sores

  • Brush gently

  • Avoid brush movements or areas that will irritate the canker sore if possible

  • Use a numbing gel before brushing your teeth to cut down on the pain

  • Do not brush with toothpastes containing SLS.

  • Swish with a hydrogen peroxide mouthwash afterwards to kill bacteria and soothe the sore

Heal Your Canker Sores 2X Faster With Canker Shield

Canker Shield is specifically designed to rapidly speed up the healing process of canker sores by using the latest research and top ingredients on the planet for canker sores. Get it as soon as tomorrow on Amazon, so that you can start experiencing relief.


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