How To Treat Mouth Sores From Vaping

One of the side effects of vaping is that it can cause painful mouth sores that can last several days. We are going explore why this happens and also suggest some effective methods to treat these terrible mouth sores, also known as canker sores or mouth ulcers.

Why Can Vaping Cause Mouth Sores?

The main reason why vaping can cause mouth sores is due to the fact that vaping often causes dry mouth. Dry mouth often makes your gums and tongue much more susceptible to irritation, which can often lead to mouth sores, also known as canker sores or mouth ulcers. To determine whether you have a canker sore or mouth ulcer, click here to see pictures of what they look like.

In addition, a study showed vaping alters the natural bacteria that is in your mouth, which can make it vulnerable to oral infections as well as inflammation [1]. The study showed that oral cells that are exposed to e-cigarettes are more susceptible to infections. 

How To Treat Mouth Sores From Vaping

When these mouth sores pop up, there are a few methods that you can try in order to treat them effectively. Below are two of the best methods to get rid of these pesky sores. 

  1. Effective Products - If you are getting these mouth sores on a consistent basis, it may be best to invest in a product designed specifically to soothe and heal these sores. We have researched the most effective products for healing these sores. These products are all great for pain relief and healing and are great to have on hand for when these sores pop up.

  2. Home Remedies - While home remedies are not as effective as products for treating canker sores, they can still work fairly well as a treatment method. You can reference our article for the best natural remedies for treating canker sores to identify one that might work best for you. 

When To See A Doctor

If your mouth sore lasts for more than 14 days, it is best to see a doctor. Canker sores and mouth ulcers typically only last for up to 2 weeks, so if you have one that is lasting longer, it is possible that it is a different oral condition .


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