Can Propranolol Cause Mouth Ulcers?

Propranolol is a medicine that is used to treat heart problems, anxiety and to prevent migraines. One of the side effects of this drug is that it can cause mouth ulcers. We are going to explore why Propranolol causes mouth ulcers and canker sores, and what you can do to treat them. 

Why Can Propranolol Cause Mouth Ulcers?

The reason that propranolol causes mouth ulcers is likely due to the fact that it causes dry mouth which is a condition that often leads to mouth ulcers. When your mouth is dry, it is much more susceptible to mouth ulcers, also known as canker sores. 

According to, the dry mouth may go away as your body gets used to the treatment, however that is not guaranteed. If this medicine is causing severe mouth ulcers that are affecting your quality of life, it may be worth talking to your doctor about this and exploring next steps. 

It is important to remember that just because you are getting mouth ulcers while you are on propranolol does not mean that they are being caused by the drug. However, if you did not get mouth ulcers before using the drug, there is a good chance that they may be related. It may be helpful to read about the main causes of mouth ulcers in order to identify if any of these other factors may be causing your canker sores. 

Treating Mouth Ulcers

If you decide you want to stay on the drug, there are a number of highly effective products for treating mouth ulcers that can be extremely helpful for rapid soothing when they do pop up. Using these products to treat these canker sores can help increase your quality of life while you are using this medicine. 


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