Luminance Red Reviews – Does it work?

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Luminance Red is a popular new product for treating canker sores and cold sores. The company recently launched this product in November of 2020. The product is relatively new and is FDA registered. The question is, does luminance red work? If so, how does it work? We are going to explore this further and determine whether Luminance Red is worth your money.

See Also: Best Over The Counter Treatments For Canker Sores

What does it claim to do?

Luminance Red claims to speed up healing, reduce pain immediately, and reduce the frequency of future outbreaks[1].

How does it work?

The science behind it is simple and yet also complicated. When red light shines on your skin, your body is able to metabolize the light’s energy and use it how it deems fit. This is a similar process to how plants use photosynthesis to grow. Once the skin gains access to this energy, it can then use it to heal the sore more quickly, while also strengthening its defenses against potential viral attacks that will occur in the future. The whole process creates efficiency with how your body uses oxygen, which ultimately generates more ATP, which is used in the body as energy [2]. There was a recent study that found that in instances where light is applied to canker sores, it reduces the healing time on average from 8.9 days to 3.1 days.


The reviews on Amazon for Luminance Red rate this product as a 4.2 out of 5 stars. The majority of them are very positive, with a few negative reviews. Below are some short quotes of what users said for you to reference. The positive reviews for this product far outweigh the negative. There are definitely a good amount of people who have found this product effective, and a handful that have not.


  • “However, after using the Luminance, the healing process was noticeably quicker.”

  • “I am so amazed how well it has worked and how easy it is to use.”

  • “The smaller sores barely bothered me after 1 day. After 2 days they were no longer painful even if I touched them directly.”

  • “The treatment lasts 60 seconds. If the sore is bad you can do two back to back treatments at a time. The treatment itself is very soothing and the light is so very slightly warm.”


  • “I used this everyday for a week as recommended and to my disappointment I did not notice any advantage to using this.”

Is Luminance Red A Hoax, Or Is It Legit?

Based on our analysis, it does not seem that luminance red is a hoax, however there are people who have tried it that do not notice any results from the device. We conclude that its effectiveness varies from person to person, but overall the device is a legitimate canker sore treatment and is not a placebo.

Money Back Guarantee

One highlight of this product is that they offer a 6 month money-back guarantee. Essentially, if you are not satisfied after 6 months, you can send it back and they will cover the return shipping. This is definitely a perk and allows the buyer to test it out without any risk.

Where To Buy Luminance Red

The luminance red device is available both on Luminance Red’s website as well as Amazon and Walmart.

Bottom Line

After researching this product and its reviews, we have come to the conclusion that it is a solid product that has worked for many people that is backed by research. That being said, it definitely comes with a price tag. However, with the money back guarantee you do not have to worry about spending all that money for nothing. If you are looking for a cheaper alternative, there are definitely many other canker sore products that also work well. Feel free to comment about your experience using Luminance Red.

Looking For A More Affordable Alternative for Canker Sores?

Not looking to spend $350 for Luminance Red? Canker Shield is a breakthrough treatment for canker sores that is just as effective and about 7% of the price of Luminance Red. It heals and soothes and canker sores just as fast and also replenishes deficiencies to prevent future outbreaks. For more information click here. Check out Canker Shield reviews to see how the product has changed lives by eliminating canker sores.


What is a Canker Sore?


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