5 Best Essential Oils For Canker Sores

Many people use essential oils for canker sores as some of them have been proven effective to speed up the healing process as well as provide pain relief. They are a great natural option for canker sore treatment. Many people have found great results from using essential oils to treat their canker sores. Below are the best essential oils for mouth ulcer that can all be used topically as a treatment method. 

How To Apply Oils

The best method for using these oils is to put a few drops onto a cotton ball or q tip and apply directly to the canker sore. Make sure when purchasing an essential oil for treating canker sores that it is a brand that can be safely used topically inside of your mouth. Avoid applying the oil via drop directly to your mouth as many are not intended to be swallowed.

Licorice Root 

Licorice root extract is one of the best essential oils for canker sores due to the fact that there is substantial research that it can reduce the size, speed up healing, and even relieve the pain of canker sores [1]. In one study that was done, patients who received a treatment with licorice extract experienced a smaller ulcer size versus the non treatment group that experienced a growth in ulcer size. It is a great option to help seal the canker sore and provide pain relief.

Holy Basil Oil (Tulsi)

Holy basil oil is another great option for treating canker sores due to its ability to speed up the healing process. This is because of its antibacterial properties that make it a great disinfectant that is able to destroy up to 99% of the bacteria and germs in your mouth and help provide relief for the symptoms of mouth ulcers [2]. When a canker sore is healing, it is important to reduce bacteria in the area as much as possible. Some people even chew the leaves with warm water to help provide relief and healing.

Propolis Extract

Propolis is a mixture of resin and wax that honey bees use to help seal and sterilize their hives. Propolis is an effective essential oil for canker sores due to the fact that it is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent [3].  Because of these properties, it is known to help canker sores heal faster. It is also known for its effectiveness in wound healing as well as anesthetic properties to provide pain relief. Some have found that taking propolis daily as a supplement has even been effective in preventing canker sores. 

Clove Oil

Clove oil is a great essential oil for canker sores because it is a natural anesthetic that helps with numbing by calming the nerve endings. While speeding up the healing process of canker sores is important, clove is a great oil to use to numb the ulcer during the healing process so that you do not have to be in pain. 

Lavender Oil 

Lavender oil has strong antibacterial properties that have been shown in research trials to decrease the size of mouth ulcers as well as help in the repair process of tissue [4]. The study showed that it helped heal canker sores within 3 days of treatment, which is highly effective given that canker sores typically heal between 10 and 14 days with no intervention.

All In One Treatment Method

Canker Shield is  formulated using holy basil, propolis and licorice powders, as well as 4 other effective vitamins and substances for treating canker sores. While using one of these substances can be effective for treating canker sores, combined they all work together to rapidly soothe and get rid of canker sores, so that you don’t have to be in pain. Thousands of people have found Canker Shield to be the #1 treatment on the market. Click here to see what people are saying about Canker Shield.


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