How Does Milk Of Magnesia Help Canker Sores?

Milk of magnesia is a common medication that some use to treat canker sores and mouth ulcers. It can be purchased at your local drugstore without a prescription. The important question is, how does milk of magnesia help canker sores? We are going to explore this further.  

What Is Milk Of Magnesia?

Milk of magnesia is actually a treatment for periodic constipation, however it can be used for other applications as well, including to treat canker sores [1]. The chemical name of milk of magnesia is magnesium hydroxide [2]. 

How Does Milk Of Magnesia Help Canker Sores?

It has been proven that using milk of magnesia can help decrease the pain of canker sores, while also speeding up the healing process. The reason that it can be effective is due to the fact that it neutralizes acid and also coats the ulcer, which protects it from bacteria and promotes healing [3]. 

See Also: These Are the Top 5 Over The Counter Treatments For Canker Sores

How To Use Milk Of Magnesia For Canker Sores?

Put some milk of magnesia onto a cotton swab and dab it onto the canker sore. Repeat this 3-4 times a day. For best results, do this after swishing a hydrogen peroxide mouthwash or solution with 1 part hydrogen peroxide one part water [4].

Are You Looking For The Most Effective Canker Sore Treatment?

While milk of magnesia can be a great canker sore treatment, it is definitely not the most effective treatment on the market. Canker Shield is a treatment scientifically designed with 7 ingredients that all have clinical research supporting their effectiveness for treating and preventing canker sores and mouth ulcers. Most people find that their canker sores heal in 1-3 days using Canker Shield, when they typically last for 10-14 days without treatment. Click here to learn more about Canker Shield. 


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