Do Tomatoes Cause Canker Sores?

tomatoes cause canker sores

Tomatoes are often a culprit for causing canker sores for many people. Some find that after eating meal of spaghetti or a pizza that their mouth erupts with canker sores. No need to worry, because there are ways to determine if tomatoes are causing your mouth ulcers, and also ways to prevent this.

Why Do Tomatoes Cause Canker Sores?

Tomatoes lead to canker sores due to the fact that they are highly acidic. This is because both canned and fresh tomatoes contain citric acid. This acid can break down and erode mouth tissue which can make you more prone to canker sore outbreaks.

In addition, if you are prone to canker sores, eating tomatoes or other acidic foods can make them a lot worse. It is important that you avoid these types of foods while you are suffering from an outbreak.

See Also: Can Coffee Cause Canker Sores?

What You Should Do

If you think that tomatoes might be causing your canker sore outbreaks, you have a few options. First, try to keep track of instances of when you have tomatoes or tomato based meals to see if you experience canker sores in the next few days. If you notice a pattern, try cutting back on tomatoes and if that does not help, cut them out altogether. This goes for all spicy and acidic foods that you may be eating.

Canker sores are often caused by a combination of factors. If you do not want to give up tomatoes, try taking a daily dose of vitamin b12, folic acid, and lysine, which can all help prevent canker sore outbreaks.

Don’t Want to Give Up Tomatoes?

Acidic foods and drinks can cause severe canker sore outbreaks, but avoiding your favorite foods and drinks is no fun. We have formulated Canker Shield to rapidly heal emerging canker sores before they get severe, so that you do not have to give up your favorite spicy or acidic foods. Canker Shield has ingredients that make your gums more nutritionally healthy in order to prevent outbreaks. To learn more, click here.

Canker Shield



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