4 Easy Methods To Prevent Canker Sores From Braces

Methods To Prevent Canker Sores From Braces

Having braces can be frustrating, especially when they cause canker sores to form due to the irritation in your mouth. When these canker sores get large, they can be almost unbearable, especially when they are recurrent. We are going to explore some methods that will help you to prevent getting canker from braces, as well as heal them fast if they do pop up. 

Can Braces Cause Canker Sores?

The answer is yes. Braces often cause canker sores and mouth ulcers because they are sharp and often rub against your gums throughout your mouth. Canker sores are very likely to form from this repetitive erosion of your gums. Once your gums are worn down, they can then become infected with bacteria which causes canker sores. 

This is especially painful because the braces will continue to rub against the sensitive canker sore which can cause extreme pain and discomfort.

If you are already prone to canker sores in the first place, braces often make the situation much worse, as they can cause even more canker sores and make the ones that form from other causes even worse.

Because of this, finding a way to prevent canker sores that result from braces is important. 

How To Prevent Canker Sores From Braces?

There are a few methods to prevent canker sores that are caused by your braces that are very effective. 

  1. Use Orthodontic Wax

    If there is a particular part of your braces that is causing you problems, put some wax over it so that it cannot break down your mouth tissue. This is a great way to prevent canker sores from braces. If you do not have some on hand, ask your orthodontist, and they can give you some. 

  2. Use Canker Shield

    Canker Shield is the #1 topical treatment available to prevent small canker sores from developing into large painful sores. Once you notice that a canker sore is starting to form, apply some Canker Shield powder, swish for a few minutes and spit. Canker Shield is formulated to rapidly shrink and heal the ulcer before it gets big and painful. If applied right away, most people find that their canker sores are gone by the very next day. It can also be swished 2-3 times a week to keep the mucus lining of your gums nutritionally healthy which prevents canker sores from forming in the first place. 

  3. Take a daily dose of Lysine

    Lysine is an amino acid that helps with tissue repair. It is a great prevention method for canker sores and can even help decrease the duration of an outbreak as it speeds up healing. 

  4. Stay Hydrated

    When your mouth is dry, it is much more prone to canker sores from braces. In addition, staying hydrated helps prevent canker sores because your saliva has antibodies that can help fight against the bacteria that are making your canker sore worse. 

Bottom Line

Using the above methods, you can prevent canker sores caused by braces. Even if you are not successful in preventing small ones from forming, you can use Canker Shield to heal them up before they become unbearable.


Canker Sore Diagram


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