Can You Pop A Canker Sore?


Canker sores and mouth ulcers can be very frustrating and long lasting, but there are many things you can do to help with the pain and healing. It is common that people ask whether you can pop a canker sore, as they often think it is like a cyst or pimple, which is a common misconception.

Can You Pop A Canker Sore?

In reality, it is not possible to pop a canker sore or mouth ulcer, as there is nothing to pop. Canker sores are open wounds that form due to a variety of causes and do not even have an interior to pop. It is not recommended that you even attempt to squeeze or touch them as they are very painful, and it will only introduce more bacteria and make the sore worse. 

Mucous Cyst vs. Canker Sore

However, there is another oral condition that is called a mucous cyst that is a fluid filled bubble that can form in your mouth. These are different from canker sores, and typically resolve themselves on their own. You can tell the difference between a mucous cyst and a canker sore as mucous cysts form a bubble, while canker sores are not. 

Looking For A Way To Rapidly Heal Your Canker Sores?

Having a canker sore can make you desperate to try anything under the sun to get relief and speed up healing. Not all home remedies and products out there help very much. Canker Shield is scientifically designed to quickly heal canker sores right when you notice them forming. Many people find that if the use Canker Shield on a newly forming canker sore, it disappears by the next day or day after. To learn more click here.

Canker Shield.png

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