Can Strawberries Cause Canker Sores?

Although strawberries are tasty, they can have some negative effects on your oral health. They are acidic, which can often lead to issues with mouth irritation. Unfortunately, strawberries commonly cause canker sores and mouth ulcers for many people, similar to other acidic foods. If you are finding that strawberries are giving you canker sores, we have some tips for you. 

Why Do Strawberries Cause Canker Sores?

The main reason why strawberries cause canker sores and mouth ulcers is because they are acidic and acidic foods can cause stress on the tissue of the mouth. This stress can lead to your oral mucosa to break down, which leads to canker sores. Once this tissue is broken down, the area is susceptible to bacteria, which only makes the situation worse. You may notice after eating strawberries that it feels as if your gums are breaking down and disintegrating. 

Some people don’t have any issues eating strawberries, while others may notice that they lead to canker sores. This is likely due to a variety of factors and could also be due to a slight allergy or sensitivity to them.

See Also: Can Eating Hot Food Cause Canker Sores?

What You Should do

Unfortunately for strawberry lovers, there are no hacks that will stop this from happening altogether, but there are some steps that you can take to lessen the probability of an outbreak occurring.

1. Limit Your Intake

If you typically have strawberries every day, or a few days a week, try to limit them to once or twice a week and see what happens. This limited exposure may help prevent these canker sore outbreaks. 

2. Limit Other Spicy and Acidic Food

You must also consider the other types of food that may be causing your canker sores. Typically, as a general rule of thumb you will want to avoid spicy and acidic foods. This can include citrus fruits, coffee, chocolate, spicy chips, and many other foods. It may be that you are eating a variety of foods that are triggering your canker sores.

See Also: Can Coffee Cause Canker Sores

3. Find an Effective Treatment

With so many possible causes, it is often difficult to pinpoint what exact factors are causing your canker sores. This makes it important to have an effective treatment on hand when outbreaks occur. Canker Shield is great because it is able to significantly shorten the healing time of canker sores from 10-14 days to 1-3, so that you can get back to living your life. It allows you to eat the foods you love and keep canker sores at bay.


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