Can Keto Cause Canker Sores?

Some people who are on the keto diet experience canker sores and mouth ulcers, which are extremely painful to deal with and make things like eating and smiling hard. But can keto cause canker sores? Or is it possible that this is just a coincidence? We are going to explore why you may be experiencing canker sores while on keto.

Why Can Keto Cause Canker Sores?

One important reason why keto may be causing canker sores for some people is due to the fact that the keto diet involves eliminating entire food groups. It is common for those on keto to replace dairy for nut based milks as well as cut bread and cereal, all of which are high in vitamin b12 and folate. Research indicates that those who are deficient in vitamin b12 and folate are more susceptible to recurrent canker sores and mouth ulcers.

This may not be the case with you, but it is important to rule out as vitamin deficiencies are one of the most common causes of canker sores. You can get bloodwork done to get your levels tested in order to determine if you have vitamin deficiencies.

See Also: Best Vitamins For Canker Sores

What Should You Do If You Are Experiencing Canker Sores From Keto?

Because of the lack of folate and vitamin b12 that can sometimes result from a keto diet, it is important to get these via proper supplementation. You can purchase these vitamins on Amazon or at your local grocery store. Many people find that taking these daily will result in less canker sores.

Find An Effective Treatment Method

While proper supplementation is important when dealing with canker sores, it doesn’t guarantee that they will never occur. It is important to have an effective treatment method that you can rely on to quickly heal your canker sores. Canker Shield is designed with natural vitamins and herbs that are all backed by research to rapidly heal canker sores. Apply it just 3 times a day during an outbreak for lasting pain relief and very fast healing. Most people find that Canker Shield heals their canker sores in 1-3 days versus the typical 10-14 without treatment. To learn more, click here.


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