Best Medicine For Canker Sores (Top 5 Treatments)

Best Medicine For Canker Sores

Canker sores are very painful and uncomfortable, but thankfully there are a number of great products and medicines out there that work incredibly well to soothe and heal canker sores. We did an analysis and ranked the top 5 best medicines for canker sores based on factors such as customer reviews, prominent features and price. These medicines and treatments are not your typical numbing gels that only helps with pain; they all have been proven to heal canker sores faster than the typical timeframe. All of these medicines can be purchased over the counter.

Make sure to take our quiz below to determine what the best canker sore treatment is for you specifically.

  1. Canker Shield

Canker Shield is ranked the best medicine for canker sores due to high praise from its customers as well as its proven effectiveness. In a survey of 570 people who have used Canker Shield, below is what they said.

  • 55% of people Reported that they were pain free after 1-2 days using Canker Shield. 89% of people were pain free in 1-4 days.

  • Canker Shield received an overall satisfaction rating of 9 out of 10.

  • 96% of those who reported that they used Canker Shield preventatively stated that it worked to prevent canker sores.

  • On average, those who used Canker Shield were pain free 4 days sooner than without treatment.

Positive Features

  • It contains 7 natural ingredients that are all scientifically proven to heal, soothe, and prevent canker sores.

  • One jar is a 1-2 year supply, so no need to keep restocking.

  • The only product on the market that can be used to heal and soothe an outbreak and also to prevent future outbreaks from occurring.

  • New groundbreaking treatment.

 Biggest Downside:

Some say that it can be difficult to apply, but most find it easy to use.

Best Medicine For Canker Sores

2. Oralmedic

Oralmedic is #2 due to its fast-acting nature. Oralmedic chemically cauterizes the canker sore to eliminate pain and trigger recovery almost immediately. It uses acid to burn the sore completely to seal it off. The product has an overall rating of 4.1 out of 5 stars on Amazon. This product is the over the counter version of the treatment Debacterol.

Positive Features

  • Relieves pain of canker sores almost instantly.

  • Is a medical grade treatment.

Biggest Downside:

Oralmedic only provides 2 q tips with the solution for $35, so it is very expensive for minimal use.

Best Canker Sores treatment

3. Luminance Red

Luminance Red is one of the best products for treating canker sores. The product uses red light energy to help heal canker sores quickly. The product has received an overall rating of 4.2 out of 5 on Amazon, and most customers find it to be very effective in accelerating healing.

Positive Features:

  • One 60 second treatment is all it takes to treat an outbreak.

  • It is painless to use.

  • The company offers a 100% money back guarantee if it does not work for you.

Biggest Downside:

  • Although it is a great product for treating canker sores and mouth ulcers, it does come with a high price tag of $350.

Best Canker Sores treatment

4. Durhams’ Canker-Rid

Durham’s Canker Rid is a liquid treatment for canker sores that uses bee propolis to help treat the area. Bee propolis is scientifically proven to help treat and prevent canker sores. Canker-Rid is one of the best selling products on Amazon for treating canker sores.

Positive Features

  • Offers 100% money back guarantee if you are not happy with the product.

  • One bottle lasts for about 6 months.

Biggest Downside:

Canker Rid only contains one active ingredient that treats canker sores versus other products that contain multiple.

Best Canker Sores treatment

5. Watermelon Frost

Watermelon Frost is a Chinese liquid medicine that you can use on canker sores and mouth ulcers to help soothe and heal. The cooling effects will help alleviate swelling and flush toxins from the body to promote healing. The product received a 4.3 out of 5 rating on Amazon.

Positive Features:

  • Helps with pain as well as healing the ulcer.

  • Relatively inexpensive compared to other products.

Biggest Downside:

The product can be more hit or miss than other products. Some find it to work incredibly, while others have no success with it.

Canker Sores treatment

Which Product Is Right For You?

Take the quiz below to determine which of these products is the best option for you based on your situation.


What Causes Canker Sores?


Lysine For Canker Sores